Privacy Policy

URECY WORKS LLC. (hereinafter “we”, “our” or “us”) provides users with our privacy policy in connection with the handling of personal information of users (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”) as set forth below, concerning the apps and services provided by us (hereinafter “Services”).

1. Personal Information
1.1 Personal information means information concerning an individual, including identifiers from which certain individual can be identified through the name, date of birth, gender, address or other description, as well as other information from which certain individual cannot be identified from a single information but can be identifiable if combined with other information.
2. Means of Collection of Personal Information
2.1 We may ask a user the name, date of birth, gender, address and/or other information from time to time when a user uses Services.
3. Purposes of Collecting and Using Personal Information
3.1 We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:
  • (a) to provide and operate our Services;
  • (b) to respond to inquiries by the users (including confirmation of the identification);
  • (c) to send e-mails to the users for providing information such as new functions, updates, campaigns of Services used by the user and/or other services provided by us;
  • (d) to notify necessary information, e.g. maintenance and important notification from time to time;
  • (e) to identify users who violate these Terms of Use or who intend to use Services for fraudulent or improper purpose so that we can refuse such use;
  • (f) to let the users view, change, delete their own registered information and view their own usage history; and
  • (g) for other purposes related to the above mentioned purposes of use.
4. Change of Purposes of Use
4.1 We may change the purposes of use of personal information solely in cases where such change of purposes of use is reasonably related to the purposes of use before the change.
If we change the purposes of use, we shall publish the purposes of such change on our website.
5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
5.1 We shall not provide third parties with a user’s personal information without obtaining such user’s consent in advance except for the cases listed below (provided, however, cases where such provision of personal information is necessary under the Act on Protection of Personal Information and other laws are excluded):
  • (a) If it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and is also difficult to obtain the concerned individual;
  • (b) If it is especially necessary for the improvement of public health and the promotion of healthy growth of children, and is also difficult to obtain the concerned individual; or
  • (c) If it is necessary to cooperate with a governmental authority or municipal government or other party who is entrusted by such governmental authority or municipal government for the fulfillment of clerical works as stipulated in the applicable laws, and also if it is likely that obtaining the concerned individual’s consent may cause difficulty in the fulfillment of said works.
5.2 Notwithstanding the preceding clause, the following party who will receive the information shall not be deemed as a third party:
  • (a) If we provide personal information to a party who succeeds the business from us through corporate merger or other similar form.
6. Disclosure of Personal Information
6.1 If requested by the concerned individual to disclose the personal information, we will disclose all or a part of the information to such concerned individual, provided, however, if such disclosure falls under any of the followings, we may not disclose all or a part of such information, and in such case, we will inform the same to the concerned individual:
  • (a) if it is likely to harm the life, body or property of the concerned individual or a third party;
  • (b) if it is likely to substantially cause damage to the proper conduct of our business operation; or
  • (c) if otherwise it will constitute a violation of a law.
6.2 Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding clause, information other than personal information such as history information and information of the characteristics will not be disclosed, principally.
7. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information
7.1 A user may request us to correct, add or delete his/her personal information (hereinafter, collectively, “Corrections”) through the procedure prescribed by us, if the personal information registered at our company is wrong.
7.2 If we receive a request of the preceding clause by a user and accordingly if we determine that we need to correspond to such request, we will make Corrections to the concerned individual’s personal information.
7.3 If we made Corrections in accordance with the provision of the preceding clause, or if we determine that we will not make Corrections, we shall inform it to the concerned individual.
8. Discontinuation of Use of Personal Information, etc.
8.1 If requested by a concerned individual to discontinue the use of or delete his/her personal information (hereinafter “Discontinuation of Use”) for a reason, e.g. such personal information is handled beyond the scope of the purposes of use or has been obtained through fraudulent means, we shall conduct necessary investigation.
8.2 If we determine that it is necessary to correspond to the request based on the investigation result of the preceding clause, we shall realize the Discontinuation of Use of such personal information.
8.3 If we take, or decide not to take the measure of Discontinuation of Use following the provision of the preceding clause, we shall inform it to the user.
8.4 Notwithstanding the preceding 2 clauses, if it will cost too much or is difficult to take the measure of Discontinuation of Use, and further if we can take substitutional necessary measure to protect the rights and interests of the user, we may take such substitutional measure.
9. Use of Cookies and Access Logs
9.1 We may save or use Cookies and/or access logs for the purpose of improvement of Services.
We may also use technologies like Cookie and JavaScript to obtain the histories of activities of the users.
Since it is not possible to identify an individual from such information, we will not handle such information as personal information, however, if it becomes possible to identify an individual by combination with other information, we will handle related Cookies and/or access logs as personal information.
10. Disclaimer
10.1 In no event we shall be liable for any damage caused due to the use of or inability to use Services, even if we have been notified of such possibility.
Also, we shall not assure the entities or their products, etc. of websites linked to our website, even though our Services may be linked to other companies/entities.
10.2 In the following cases, we shall not be liable for obtention of personal information by a third party:
  • (a) if the user himself/herself disclosed his/her own personal information to a third party through a function of Services or by other means; or
  • (b) if it becomes possible to identify the individual through the information entered on Services by the user himself/herself.
11. Change of Privacy Policy
11.1 We shall have the right to change the content of this Privacy Policy without giving notice to the users, except for matters required by the laws and regulations or matters especially provided in this Privacy Policy.
11.2 Except for case where we provide for separately, the changed Privacy Policy shall be effective as of the time of publication of the changed Privacy Policy on our website.
12. Contact Address
12.1 If you have any inquiry concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact the following e-mail.